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Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Systemic Racism describes the ways that systems (like societies, governments, institutions...) organize their rules and laws so that certain groups are at a disadvantage based on their race or ethnicity


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Systemic Racism describes the ways that systems (like societies, governments, institutions...) organize their rules and laws so that certain groups are at a disadvantage based on their race or ethnicity


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Racism is when people get treated unfairly because of their skin color, race, or ethnicity (like where they are from).

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Systemic Racism describes the ways that systems (like societies, governments, institutions...) organize their rules and laws so that certain groups are at a disadvantage based on their race or ethnicity.


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Individual Racism happens when one person, or a small group of people, discriminate against another person because of the color of their skin.

Individual racism however, needs a larger system to uphold this discrimination, or else it would be an example of prejudice alone, not racism.

Individual Racism

Individual Racism happens when one person, or a small group of people, discriminate against another person because of the color of their skin.

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.


The terms race and ethnicity are sometimes used to mean the same thing, but most times race refers to the physical characteristics of a person, while ethnicity points to cultural identities and backgrounds of a person. For example, a person could be racially Black but ethnically Latinx.

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Anti- Racism/Anti-Racist

To be an anti-racist means to actively identify and oppose racism at every level. This means taking action to challenge racist ideals and systems in the individual (including the self), in institutions, and in the larger structures of society.

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Systemic Racism describes the ways that systems (like societies, governments, institutions...) organize their rules and laws so that certain groups are at a disadvantage based on their race or ethnicity


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation. 

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Systemic Racism describes the ways that systems (like societies, governments, institutions...) organize their rules and laws so that certain groups are at a disadvantage based on their race or ethnicity


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Allyship is a process of building relationships with and advocating for marginalized individuals and groups of people. Some actions of allyship include listening to and uplifting voices of members from the marginalized group, being aware of your own implicit biases, and recognizing your own privilege and then using it to lift others up

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

The belief that white people should dominate society, typically resulting in the exclusion and marginalization of other racial or ethnic groups.

White Supremacy

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.


Prejudice is a judgement or an opinion about someone formed solely from that person’s membership in a particular group.

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.


Activism is an action used to make social and political change. Activism can look like writing letters, making phone calls, contributing to a political campaign, a boycott, march, strike, or any action that helps your cause.

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

The Black Lives Matter Movement is a social movement protesting police brutality and racially motivated violence against Black people.

Black Lives Matter

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Systemic Racism describes the ways that systems (like societies, governments, institutions...) organize their rules and laws so that certain groups are at a disadvantage based on their race or ethnicity


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

A color conscious approach to talking about race with children involves having explicit conversations about race and racism.


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.


Social Justice is the view that every person deserves social, political, and economic rights and opportunities. People should be treated without prejudice regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, social status religion, or any other identity. 

Empathy is defined as “an emotional response that stems from another’s emotional state or condition and is congruent with the other’s emotional state or condition” (Eisenberg et al., 2014, p. 64).

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

The enforced separation of different groups based on characteristics (such as race) in a city, country, or establishment. Often, groups are separated to denote an inequality between the groups. Segregation limits what groups have access to and often results in poor health and wellbeing.


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Social Justice

Social Justice is the view that every person deserves social, political, and economic rights and opportunities. People should be treated without prejudice regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, social status religion, or any other identity. 

Social Justice is the view that every person deserves social, political, and economic rights and opportunities. That people should be treated without prejudice regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, social status religion, or any other identity.


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

Systemic Racism describes the ways that systems (like societies, governments, institutions...) organize their rules and laws so that certain groups are at a disadvantage based on their race or ethnicity

Colorblind Approach

Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.

A colorblind approach to talking about race involves a failure to mention race or racism explicitly, and instead focusing on egalitarianism and seeing everyone as human. With this approach, children still develop implicit racial bias from other sources and may learn that race and racism are taboo topics they shouldn’t discuss. 


Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.


The practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, racial groups etc



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