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Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.
Systemic Racism describes the ways that systems (like societies, governments, institutions...) organize their rules and laws so that certain groups are at a disadvantage based on their race or ethnicity.
Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.
The terms race and ethnicity are sometimes used to mean the same thing, but most times race refers to the physical characteristics of a person, while ethnicity points to cultural identities and backgrounds of a person. For example, a person could be racially Black but ethnically Latinx.
Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.
Anti- Racism/Anti-Racist
To be an anti-racist means to actively identify and oppose racism at every level. This means taking action to challenge racist ideals and systems in the individual (including the self), in institutions, and in the larger structures of society.
Privilege is the opposite of discrimination; it’s when people get more good things that other people don’t get OR they avoid the bad things that happen to others.
Activism is an action used to make social and political change. Activism can look like writing letters, making phone calls, contributing to a political campaign, a boycott, march, strike, or any action that helps your cause.
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