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Children's Books for Racial Development

This Book is Anti-Racist (Ages 11+ years)
by Tiffany Jewell: Youth and adults reading this book will learn about their social identities, racism, the history of the world around...

We Rise, We Resist, We Raise our Voices (Ages 7+ years)
edited by Wade and Cheryl Hudson: Wade and Cheryl Hudson and many other authors compiled this collection of work ranging from poetry,...

Memphis, Martin, and the Mountaintop: The Sanitation Strike of 1968 (Ages 8+ years)
by Alice Faye Duncan: This story follows a 9 year old—Lorraine Jackson—whose father was a sanitation worker during the sanitation strike...

Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History (Ages 8+ years)
by Vashti Harrison: Little Leaders is a collection of 40 minibiographies. The Black women that the author chose to feature contributed to...

Stamped (for Kids) (Ages 8+ years)
by Ibram X Kendi and Jason Reynolds: Stamped (for Kids) is an adapted version of the original book, Stamped. This book covers a plethora...

Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness (Ages 8+ years)
by Anastasia Higginbotham: While watching the morning news, a young White child sees a report of a police officer killing a Black man....

Separate is Never Equal: Slyvia Mendez and Her Family’s Fight for Desegregation (Ages 7+ years)
by Duncan Tonatiuh: This is a story about a little Mexican girl and her family’s fight for equal education rights. The story begins with...
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